63rd Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society – Poster Presentations Knut BretzkeEvidence for human occupation of Southeast Arabia during the supposedly hyper-arid MIS 6 (c. 190-130 ka)M. Gema Chacón, Amèlia Bargalló, Bruno Gómez de Soler, J. Ignacio Martín-Viveros, Francesca Romagnoli, Eudald Carbonell, Palmira Saladié & Josep VallverdúSpeleothems as raw material during the Middle Paleolithic: examples from Level R and Ra at the Abric Romaní site (Barcelona, Spain)Florian Gumboldt, Daniel Riemenschneider, & Andreas MaierMartinshöhle revisitedKatarína Kapustka, Matthew Walls, Karolína Pauknerová, Přemysl Bobek, Michaela Ptáková, Kristýna Budilová & Jaromír KovárníkKokořínsko: tracing hunter-gatherer creativity in plant use during the Mesolithic of BohemiaMadison McCartin, Britt M. Starkovich, & Nicholas J. ConardNew Zooarchaeological Investigations at Petersfels (Brudertal, SW-Germany)Martin Moník, Tomáš Pluháček, Zdeňka NerudováReconstruction of Upper Palaeolithic mobility through provenience study of radiolarite artefactsWerner Müller, Urs Leuzinger & Walter ImhofA decorated object of red deer antler from the Mesolithic of SwitzerlandFlorent Rivals, Arturo de Lombera-Hermida, Xosé-Pedro Rodríguez-Álvarez & Ramón Fábregas ValcarceDietary traits of the ungulates and seasonality of the human occupations from the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition at Cova Eirós (Galicia, Spain)Jérôme Robitaille & Lisa-Elen MeyeringThe Gönnersdorf plaquettes integrity: cases of fragmentation and reuseMiriam Rotgänger, Jörg Linstädter, Gerd-Christian Weniger, Johanna Sigl, Wazi Apoh & Ewa DutkiewiczPlanet Africa – Archaeological time travel Pilot project of a traveling exhibitionGiulia Toniato, Thomas Beutelspacher, Claus-Joachim Kind & Yvonne TafelmaierFaunal exploitation during the Mesolithic at Kohlhau-Abri near the Lone Valley, Southwestern GermanyThomas Weber, Wolfgang Kainz, Mechthild Klamm, Dominik Petzold, Frank Preusser & Henrik RotherA Palaeolithic point from the excavation near Lüderitz, district of Stendal